Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Winning the Political Dog & Pony Show

Hello Children, this is your `ol uncle John. I`m your political relative. What`s that you say? You don`t have one? Well don`t be so sure! Follow along with me a minute,... could be you and I are more closely related than you think. Today I`d like to talk to you about this political dog & pony show ... which sadly, refers to the way we Americans are choosing to pick our candidates for President. I`ll bet you`re just as sick of politics as I am. How many times have you got behind a candidate you thought you could trust and believe in.... opened your heart (and your wallet)... stuck behind your chosen candidate right up to the moment when you think your battle is finally won.... only to watch in horror as your elected Congressman, Senator, or President sells out to some other 'special-interest' i.e. 'more special to them than you'! There, I told you we have a 'connection'. The problem isn`t "the system". The system is really you and I. WE CHOOSE. What you see going on in your not-so-free-press today is an attempt at controlling the outcome! You know the Democrat Party.... you know the Republican Party. They are the two major political parties from which nearly all viable candidates come from. There is however, another Political Party. A ruthless, sinister and powerfully political party. They have the ability to influence the American Media. 'Helping' them to decide which news articles is "news" and which are 'of lesser importance' or thought to be too divisive or even too dangerous for public consumption. This is the Party of 'The New World Order. Now that you`ve read that some of you are probably thinking ' Oh great! Uncle John is another one of those 'conspiracy theorists'! While it`s true that I have only my own humble opinion to offer in place of any hard physical evidence... have YOU not seen what`s happening to our news media today? Can you explain why following the latest adventures of America`s pop-idols trumps the more important issues such as 'who is really running this country into the ground and why would anyone actually go down the road that America seems to be going?' Right now, this New World Order crowd are in the process of eliminating all political candidates whom they don`t feel certain to have 'in thier pocket'. Believe it! If "We the People" aren`t on top of this thing there won`t be a candidate left that`s worth voting for.... in which case 'they' win, & we ALL lose. We lose our culture, our way of life... we lose America. Now I`ve got lots of work to do so until next blog... see ya!

1 comment:

just4dux said...

Hi, John,
There's a book you might like to read. It's a novel, and it's a few years old now, but it tells a story that is based on the reality of the NWO you speak of here. You can find it in the library. The author is Taylor Caldwell. The title is Captains and the Kings. Yes, it's just a novel, but read it and see if it doesn't explain some things in essence. Remember Aesop's Fables?